Shepard Barbash is a freelance writer and former education advisor to the Atlanta Public Schools. His most recent book is Changing Dreams.
Paul Beston is associate editor of City Journal. His writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, The American Spectator, and the Washington Times.
Theodore Dalrymple, a physician, is a contributing editor of City Journal and the Dietrich Weismann Fellow at the Manhattan Institute. His new book is Not with a Bang but a Whimper.
Nicole Gelinas, a City Journal contributing editor and the Searle Freedom Trust Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
Victor Davis Hanson is a contributing editor of City Journal and a classicist and military historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
Peter Huber is a Manhattan Institute senior fellow and the coauthor, most recently, of The Bottomless Well.
Kay S. Hymowitz is a contributing editor of City Journal and the William E. Simon Fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Her latest book is Marriage and Caste in America.
Andrew Klavan is a City Journal contributing editor and the author of such best-selling novels as True Crime, Don’t Say a Word, and, most recently, Empire of Lies.
Myron Magnet is the author of The Dream and the Nightmare: The Sixties’ Legacy to the Underclass. He is City Journal’s editor-at-large and was its editor from 1994 through 2006.
Steven Malanga is senior editor of City Journal and a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. He is the author of The New New Left, a collection of his City Journal essays.
E. J. McMahon is the Manhattan Institute’s senior fellow for tax and budgetary studies and director of the Empire Center for New York State Policy.
John H. McWhorter, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, is currently teaching Western civilization at Columbia University. He is the author of All About the Beat: Why Hip-Hop Can’t Save Black America and Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue: The Untold History of English.
Judith Miller, a contributing editor of City Journal, is a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who writes about national security issues.
Walter Olson is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and the author of several books, most recently The Rule of Lawyers. He is at work on a book about the influence of law schools.
Guy Sorman, a City Journal contributing editor, is the author of numerous books, including The Empire of Lies: The Truth About China in the Twenty-First Century.
Michael J. Totten is an independent foreign correspondent based in Portland, Oregon. His work has appeared in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and elsewhere. He also publishes at
William Andrews works as a police and security consultant with the Bratton Group. William Bratton is the chief of the Los Angeles Police Department. Daniel J. Flynn is the author of A Conservative History of the American Left and blogs at André Glucksmann is a French philosopher. His article was translated from the French by Alexis Cornel. Heather Mac Donald is a contributing editor of City Journal and the John M. Olin Fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Naomi Schaefer Riley is the deputy editor of the Taste page in the Wall Street Journal.
Sean Delonas is the cartoonist for the New York Post and the coauthor, with his son, Ryan, of Scuttle’s Big Wish. Alberto Mena is the graphics and imaging director of BusinessWeek. Arnold Roth is a cartoonist whose work has appeared in Punch, The New Yorker, the New York Times, and many other publications. Brian Williamson is a freelance illustrator based in London whose client list includes DC Comics, Marvel, and Warner Bros. On the cover: Thomas Connolly’s Grand Central (oil on panel, 2005). Connolly graduated from the Maine College of Art in 1987. A carpenter and mason as well as a painter, he lives in Portland, Maine. Courtesy of the artist and George Billis Gallery.