Matthew Clavel, a former Teach for America corps member, now teaches fifth grade at a private school in Manhattan.

Theodore Dalrymple, a physician, is a contributing editor of City Journal and the Dietrich Weismann Fellow at the Manhattan Institute.

Nicole Gelinas, a City Journal contributing editor and the Searle Freedom Trust Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, is a Chartered Financial Analyst.

Edward L. Glaeser is a professor of economics at Harvard University, where he has taught since 1992, and a Manhattan Institute senior fellow.

André Glucksmann is a French philosopher. His books include The Master Thinkers and, most recently, Une Rage d’Enfant. His article was translated from the French by Ralph C. Hancock and John C. Hancock.

Christopher Hitchens is a columnist for Vanity Fair and a visiting professor at the New School in New York. His book Blood, Class and Empire: Anglo-American Ironies has recently been reissued in paperback.

Peter Huber is a Manhattan Institute senior fellow. His books include Hard Green: Saving the Environment from the Environmentalists and Galileo’s Revenge: Junk Science in the Courtroom.

Kay S. Hymowitz is a contributing editor of City Journal and the William E. Simon Fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Her latest book, Marriage and Caste in America, is a collection of her City Journal essays.

Heather Mac Donald is a contributing editor of City Journal and the John M. Olin Fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Her most recent book, coauthored with Victor Davis Hanson and Steven Malanga, is The Immigration Solution.

Alec Magnet, a former reporter for the New York Sun and the Telluride Watch, is a Chancellor’s Fellow at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.

Myron Magnet is the author of The Dream and the Nightmare: The Sixties’ Legacy to the Underclass. He is City Journal’s editor-at-large and was its editor from 1994 through 2006. He thanks the Thomas Jefferson Foundation for its gracious hospitality.

Steven Malanga is senior editor of City Journal and a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. He is the author of The New New Left, a collection of his City Journal essays.

Melanie Phillips, a British writer, is a commentator for the Daily Mail and the author of Londonistan. She blogs at

Guy Sorman is the author of numerous books, including The Empire of Lies, forthcoming from Encounter. He lives in Paris and is the president of the publishing house ?ditions Sorman.

On the cover: Lawrence Kelsey’s Midtown with Tug (oil on canvas, 2005). Kelsey’s work is included in numerous private and public collections, including those of Merrill Lynch, Pfizer, and the New-York Historical Society. He is represented by Madelyn Jordon Fine Art:


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