Theodore Dalrymple is a contributing editor of City Journal and the author of many books.

Brian Patrick Eha is a journalist, essayist, and the author of How Money Got Free.

Nicole Gelinas is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of City Journal.

Judge Glock is the director of research and a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of City Journal.

Joel Kotkin is a presidential fellow in urban futures at Chapman University and executive director of the Urban Reform Institute.

Anthony Lemus is a professor of practice and director of industry relations at Chapman University’s Fowler School of Engineering.

N. S. Lyons writes “The Upheaval” on Substack.

Heather Mac Donald is the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute.

Steven Malanga is City Journal’s senior editor.

Rafael A. Mangual is the Nick Ohnell fellow at the Manhattan Institute.

James B. Meigs is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of City Journal.

Dan Morenoff is an adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute and the executive director at the American Civil Rights Project.

Lance Morrow is a contributing editor of City Journal and the Henry Grunwald Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

Ilya Shapiro is director of constitutional studies at the Manhattan Institute and author, most recently, of the forthcoming Lawless.

John Tierney is a contributing editor of City Journal.


Jesse Arm is the director of external affairs at the Manhattan Institute. Daniel Di Martino is a graduate fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Eitan Fischberger is an international relations and Middle East analyst. Richard Goldberg is a senior advisor at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Ray Kelly is a former New York City police commissioner. Hannah E. Meyers is a fellow and director of public safety at the Manhattan Institute. Jonathan Pidluzny directs the Higher Education Reform Initiative at the America First Policy Institute. David M. Pollock is the founder and senior advisor of the Community Security Initiative. Max Raskin is an adjunct professor of law at New York University and a fellow at the school’s Institute of Judicial Administration. Reihan Salam is the president of the Manhattan Institute.


Seth Barron is managing editor of the American Mind. Eithan Haim is a general surgeon working in a small town outside Dallas. Kay S. Hymowitz is the William E. Simon Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of City Journal. James Piereson is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Naomi Schaefer Riley is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.


Martín Elfman is a Spanish-Argentinian illustrator. Alberto Mena is a graphic artist living in New York. Sergi Reboredo is a photojournalist based in Barcelona.


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